Moncton Guitar Repair
Greater Moncton's most full service Lutherie Center
Setups, Intonation, Refrets,
Refinishing, Restorations and Rebuilds
Here are some previous repairs that I have done. Most seem to be acoustic instruments solely because they are more fragile and considerably more difficult to repair than electric instruments. I can/do fully service and repair electric guitars as well, including any and all electronics work for electric guitars.

Broken headstock. Ouch!

After Re-Gluing.

Now its time to start making it look pretty.

It's starting to look more like it's supposed to. The haze is there just because I had "just" shot the clearcoat on. It wasn't there on the finished guitar.

Just gotta put the tuners and strings on.

This is the bridge once its removed. Gotta get ALL the old glue and stuff off.

Here's why the bridge came off...glue will only stick to bare wood. Half of the area underneath the bridge was still covered with glue.....From the Factory!!

Removing ALL the old glue. It's a slow and meticulous process, but it has to be done.

Finally ready to re-assemble

The Clamp typically stays on for 24 - 48 hours depending on a number of factors.

All buffed up and re-attached. Ready to go. You can't even see the repair. :)

This dent is 6 inches from start to finish. Lots of TLC is needed for this one.

Same Dent, better angle

Almost Done... Just a bit more touch up's to the color and then it will be all done.

Customer bought this guitar for a great price because it had a burn mark on it. Customer doesn't smoke so he wanted it removed.

There is still a tiny bit of unavoidable discoloration but for the most part it is all gone.

I build custom pedals as well. This one is a Fuzz and was inspired by the Zvex Woolly Mammoth. I also will be selling pedal parts as well. Just email me for prices and availability.

Built for Guy Hebert, bass player for BBMB

This break was in the "Worst" possible spot. Straight off, not at an angle. When the break is on an angle, there is a greater area to glue so it holds better. With this one I had to custom carve "Splines" that bridge the break and reinforce it on both sides.

Splines chiseled down.

Rough Filed. it needs to be contour sanded before I can prime it. Then wet sand and then do the finished topcoat.

The customer decided to not try and color match the break. So I did a faux sunburst fade into black. It hides the break and still looks nice. :)

With the tuners installed. This was about a 3 week process with all of the gluing/carving the splines/filing/contour sanding/priming/ painting and clearcoat.